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About Us

No Boundaries Property Investments, LLC.  was established in 2009 with the mission of finding extraordinary properties that equally served the interests of investors and consumers. That mission continues to be a driving force through today.  We use the latest in design technology and green building practices available when we are renovating a property, enabling us to be on the forefront of innovation. Our projects vary from simple to simply spectacular.  Our business practices are based on honesty, integrity, and a solid commitment to quality. We never sacrifice quality for profit. 
Our goal is to help you find the best houses in the market at the right price.
No Boundaries Property Investments, LLC. have never wavered in their commitment to supporting communities. Members of  No Boundaries Property Investments, LLC  have been involved in many charitable causes and civic organizations over the years. We believe in supporting the community.
Working with each one of you personally designing a path that would be right for you is our commitment.
Our goal is to help you maximize your returns on your investments regardless if is your own personal home or investment properties.
Hopefully we will be a key part on your next Real Estate Investment decision.
Let us help you get the keys to a great property.

  Core Values:
Respect at all times. We respect your time money and decisions. We approach each investment and assignment with a commitment to exceed the goals and expectations of our clients and investors. We are committed to thoroughly understanding the dynamics within those markets where we develop, acquire and manage assets. We strive to build upon our unique and invaluable reputation.

Our People are our most important asset. Our people include our employees, as well as our tenants, clients and investors.

 Earth and surroundings: How we take care of our planet not only will affect us or other generations but also affect our universe. Everything that mother earth gives us should not be taken by granted and should be conserved as much as we can. So when we plan our business practices we consider the impact in our community and surroundings and the impact in our mother earth and try to find the best possible products and solutions available.  

Discipline You would find order and transparency in all our transactions. Everything will flow smoothly from beginning to end.

 Perseverance We will do everything in our power to accomplish your goals and dreams. Finding innovative solutions with a win win situation for all parties involved. 

Caution We will present you with comprehensive analysis of your situation and the possible solutions with the what if’s for you to make an informative decision before you jump in to and avoid unnecessary risks.

Accountability We take pride of our steps to help you move on with your life.  We like to do business the right way or no way. We want to make legacy with each one of our business transactions. Hopefully you want to be part of this.

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